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The Dorenfest China Healthcare Group offers a variety of investment and consulting services to the healthcare industry in China. Based in Shanghai, The Dorenfest China Healthcare Group will invest its skill, technology, and capital in well-defined projects to help China to improve its healthcare system. After an 18-month investigation, The Dorenfest China Healthcare Group is now providing a variety of improvement services to the China healthcare system. These services in China include:
  • The Dorenfest China Healthcare Group "model hospital" program implementation
  • Hospital management and work process improvement
  • Hospital I.T. consulting
  • Hospital contract management
  • Hospital ownership
  • Healthcare investment advisory services
  • Healthcare education symposiums and seminars
  • Healthcare supplier consulting
  • Healthcare insurance consulting
  • Healthcare market research services
We are now in the process of implementing the following activities:
  • Reviewing candidates to implement our "model hospital vision"
  • Recruiting a management team
  • Developing partnering relationships to support delivery of our services
  • Reviewing software systems to define the best software available in China for partnering with us to implement new I.T. systems for our China hospital clients
The Dorenfest China Healthcare Group vision of a "model hospital" includes the following characteristics:
  • Provides improved quality of care to its patients
  • Operates at a highly efficient level through effective use of systems and better work processes
  • Offers its services to patients at an affordable cost
  • Creates a highly satisfied patient population with the patients observing a noticeable improvement in the services and treatments provided by the hospital
  • Utilizes appropriate digital technology to create a state of the art "digital hospital"
The Dorenfest China Healthcare Group would like to select a project for its "model hospital" effort. Criteria for the selection of this project will include the following:
  • A friendly, supportive local government
  • A capable hospital management team
  • Supportive physicians and employees
Once this project proves itself, The Dorenfest China Healthcare Group will replicate the work done in that project to create other "model hospitals" throughout China. We will focus on making the characteristics of the "model hospitals" consistent with China's healthcare reform goals so as the model accomplishes its objectives, it can become part of a national program for Chinese healthcare improvement. To learn more about our services, please contact us.


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